Ride the Right Way



  • Have correct fare or bus pass ready before boarding the bus
  • If you are loading a bicycle have it ready to load when the bus stops
  • Wait for all passengers to exit before boarding the bus
  • To keep the bus moving please take first available seat and quickly sit down so the driver can stay on the scheduled times.
  • For your safety remain seated while the bus is moving
  • Transit drivers are only permitted to stop at designated bus stops
  • Do not distract drivers or bother other passengers
  • Respect everyone’s privacy
  • No smoking eating or drinking permitted on the bus
  • No alcohol or illegal drug use permitted on the bus or at the Transit Center, Transfers Points and Bus Stops
  • No personal music or other sound creating media allowed on bus unless you are wearing headphones or earbuds
  • Please keep voices low and no loud outbursts while talking with other passengers or on your cell phone
  • No profanity or derogatory statements are permitted
  • No laying down or putting feet on the seats or railings
  • Place all garbage in proper waste cans located on the bus or  bus shelters
  • Keep packages and bags to what you can carry and don’t use the adjacent seats.  Those are for other passengers
  • Strollers and carts are not to block any aisle ways at any time and will need to be folded down in the event that there is no room for the stroller or cart in the Mobility device securement area. Examples( when we need that area for a mobility device or walkers)
  • For your child’s safety, take your child out of the stroller and hold them on your lap if they are too young to sit by themselves
  • Passengers need to vacate seats designated for senior citizens or persons with disabilities if the need for those seats arises
  • Passengers need to remain behind yellow line at all times when bus is in motion